In western diets, dairy consumption amounts to almost a third of the carbon emissions1, but alternative, plant based types of milk are getting popular and easily available almost anywhere. Surely this is great for the 65% of the world population that is lactose intolerant2, but does it really matter for the environment which type of milk you pick?
When we compare cow’s, almond, rice, soy and oat milk, there is no clear environmental winner, but there is surely one clear loser: cow’s milk. Regarding all major environmental aspects (land use, water use, eutrophication and greenhouse gasses) it is worse than plant based milks:
The environmental impact of a liter of different types of milk3
So if you’re looking for the type of milk with a better environmental footprint, simply go for any plant based milk that you enjoy.
It’s true that a lot of forest has been cleared to produce soy, but 77% of this soy is used as animal feed, 3,8% is used for industrial purposes, 13,2% as oil for various purposes and just 7% is for direct human consumption, like in tofu and soy milk 4. So soy for human consumption doesn’t require any further deforestation if dairy and meat consumption decreases.
While ideally we source our food locally, the transport of milk from another country has comparatively much less of an environmental impact than what type of milk it is. In other words, it is better for the climate to get almond milk from another country, than cow’s milk from a farm nearby.
There are many differences in the way milk cows are treated in farms around the world. Some are locked up in tiny spaces for their whole lives, some can run around freely in huge fields of grass. But pain and suffering is almost unavoidable when a farmer is trying to produce milk at a competitive price, even when it’s organic. There are a few reasons for it:
Since almost two-thirds of people can’t digest lactose well, plant-based milks can offer great health benefits simply because they are lactose free.
But there are more differences: cow’s milk is higher in calories and contains more protein than plant based milks. For instance cow’s milk contains 3,4 grams of protein per 100 ml, while almond milk contains 0,5 grams. So if milk is an important source of protein for you, you should consider eating more of other types of protein or ask your doctor/dietician for advice.
Cow’s milk also contains a few minerals and vitamins like B12 that plant based milks don’t naturally have. And plant based milks contain some that cow’s milk doesn’t have, like vitamin E in almond milk. However, plant based milks are often fortified with these vitamins and minerals so that you don’t miss out on them.
One thing to watch out for is that some plant based milks are sweetened. But if you are health conscious, there is usually an unsweetened alternative for you to pick.
All plant based milks taste a little different, even if they are the same type. So to see which ones you like best, simply try a few. It could also be that for coffee you like a certain type, but for other purposes you like another type.
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